100% Natural - 100% Renewable - 100% Compostable
Meet the Foodstiks family.
Foodstiks is disposable cutlery made 100% from Birch wood. Just like popsicle sticks or tongue depressors they have natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which eliminate about 99% of all potential contaminants.
Our wood cutlery is 100% backyard compostable unlike compostable plastic (PLA) that requires commercial composting facilities. That means our utensils will naturally degrade even is indavertently left at a park or the beach, thus not harming any wildlife!
Foodstiks are 100% natural with no toxic chemicals added.
Foodstiks are available for both the retail and foodservice market.

Be part of the solution
Single use plastic has become one of the biggest environmental challenges of our times. If we don't change our habits now there will be more plastic than fish in our Oceans by the year 2050.
Every year 40 billion pieces of plastic disposable cutlery are used in the US alone. Wood cutlery is the only sustainable alternative to plastic. It is 100% natural, 100%, re-newable and 100% compostable.
Change from plastic disposable cutlery to wood disposable cutlery today and be part of the solution, not the problem!